Real Estate Marketing

Below is a sample of my marketing and advertising. Depending on the listing and marketing plan, some of these strategies can be used to sell your home. For more information, please call me.

  • Full Colour Feature Sheet – With Photos, Branding, and Map
  • Full MLS Listing With Multiple Photos
  • Advertising in Full Colour in the Vancouver Sun
  • Black & White Advertising in the Real Estate Weekly
  • Colour Advertising in the Chinese Newspaper
  • Floor Plans
  • Colour Double-sided Just Sold and Just Listed Mailers to Your Neighbourhood
  • My outstanding reputation among other Realtors is a key to continued success.
  • My personal and company website rank very high in search engine optimization
  • My social media accounts have over 7,500 followers, many of which are other realtors.
  • I personally attend every showing of the property.  No lock box access. 
  • Award-winning realtor, ranking in the top 10 agents in my company out more than 190 realtors for 15 consecutive years.